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Earlier this week, on February 28th, these huge olympic rings were floated down the Thames, proclaiming that there are only 150 days to go until the Summer Olympics begin in London!

Rolling Down the River. photo London 2012 Olympics official site.









Mayor Boris Johnson announced…

“We’re creating the biggest festival of outdoor arts ever to be seen in the capital, as well as fantastic new work that will throw new light on some of our city’s lesser-known landmarks and hidden gems.”

Let the games begin!

The Queen, Camilla, and Kate went to tea today at Fortnum and Mason’s (one of my favorite spots, click here to view post) for their first ever joint “working” engagement.

Here’s the article in The Daily Mail, which has a great video at the end of the story.

Royal Tea Party, from The Daily Mail

Do you think they had a chat to coordinate their colors?  So very like spring, and the Queen is wearing the beautiful shade of blue mirroring the Fortnum & Mason famous colour.

The event is meant to officially open the “Diamond Jubilee Tea Room” at the store, but the larger purpose is to emphasize the revitalization of the Piccadilly area, one of our favorite neighborhoods when we visit London.