

One of the reasons My Beloved Brit’s cousins wanted to join me in Bath earlier this month was to attempt some early Christmas shopping.  I must say,  the shops in Bath are varied and wonderful.  There are the larger brand names from America like Gap and Banana Republic.

The main shopping street, Milsom. Notice all the bicycles. Cars are not encouraged in Bath. Photo by me

And an array of the better known English chains like Marks & Spencer, Jigsaw and L.K. Bennett.

Jigsaw, in The Old Post Office building. Photo by me

But my favorites were the smaller shops…

An art supply shop almost hidden by an ancient wall. Photo by me

Prince Charles’ estate shop which had all sorts of gardening treasures. Photo by me.

…tucked along the main street and side alleys.

Sausages for Sale in Bath. Heaven on earth for My Beloved Brit. Photo by me

It was nice to see the unique and the imaginative…

Hidden on a narrow cobbled street. Photo by me

…along the cobblestone side streets. There were many, many fine art galleries, some very good.

A favorite small gallery in Bath. Photo by me

A weaving shop. When I passed it later on, there was actually someone working in this room! Photo by me

I must admit, I didn’t buy a thing, although it was tempting.

A side street filled with small shops and tea rooms. Photo by me.

The pound to the dollar made it prohibitive, but it was still a joy to look.

The Salcombe Trading Company. Photo by me

And at the end of my stay they were rapidly putting up the little wooden huts for the upcoming Christmas Market from November 22nd to December 9th.

From the Bath website.

The Christmas Market is set up right between the Roman Baths, and The Abbey. From the Bath Christmas Market website.

‘Tis the season…to shop.