I visited two famous retail locations in London today, and it was a study in contrasts.
First was Harrods, all decked out for the Christmas season.
The windows were lovely — the theme was Disney Princesses. Here are just a few.
The small female viewers were especially over the moon with the display, and I didn’t mind it either. It did remind me of going to see the fabulous windows at Lord & Taylor on Fifth Avenue every Christmas in New York with my sister.

My personal favorite window, Sleeping Beauty. Look at the small fairy in the lower right side. Photo by me
And then there is inside Harrods. The food court is still the major attraction, but there is lots to see throughout the store.
And this photo is especially for My Beloved Brit, who still misses the butchers of his youth and good British meat.
And then in the afternoon there was the Portobello Market in Notting Hill. If you’ve ever seen the Hugh Grant movie, you’re familiar with the London neighborhood, but I wasn’t expecting quite the massive crowds I saw.

The Portobello Road market website’s directions say to go to Notting Hill Gate Underground stop, and follow the crowds. they weren’t exaggerating. Photo by me

The crowds were massive, even though the weather was dreary. It’s England. Weather doesn’t matter. Photo by me
The whole day was rather like falling down a rabbit hole–curiouser and curiouser. I love London. Every day is an adventure.
Perhaps I should have picked up some tea at Harrods for a tea party.