I love Kensington. Within easy walking distance are museums, and parks, and palaces…and lots of shops. With Christmas almost upon us, it seemed appropriate to visit one of London’s best shopping neighborhoods, if only by post.
This is where young London goes to shop. And it is such fun to see the different trends in the windows, even if I am not ready to buy.
Around every corner are shops and alleys where treasures are sure to be found.
The names are now becoming more familiar to women shoppers in America. Many of these British stores are beginning to open shops in the US.
They say it is the “Kate effect”, the influence of the Duchess of Cambridge who shops in this neighborhood, and often chooses fashion within an affordable range from the high street popular stores.

The Duchess of Cambridge has been known to wear the very reasonable fashions from Zara. Photo by me.
After all her palace is right around the corner.
I would love having all this a few steps from my back door, cold and grey or not.