The wall in my studio is always plastered with images…sometimes mine, sometimes another artist’s, sometimes just a photo or image I have sketched and am thinking of working from.
I love The Wall…it is one of the most wonderful things of having a room that is strictly an art studio, and not a corner of the living room or bedroom or a dining table as in years past.
Sometimes it will stay the same for weeks. I may trade one or two images out here and there…
It all depends what I am working on and if I am nearing the completion of a painting and beginning to contemplate new works.

The Louvre in Paris, MOMA’s dining room and the courtyard in front of the Public Library in New York City. All photos by me.
If I am working on a particular piece I may put up other artists’ works that somehow relate in tone or feeling or content–just to see what others have done. Sometimes it will influence me but more often than not it just keeps me strong and focused and original with my own work.
I can sit and stare at the wall many times during my work day.
And then there is the space near my desk with images of friends’ work and more personal images, just because I love them.
Everyone should have a wall. It’s what you look at before you squeeze the first bit of paint on to the palette.