We arrived at My Beloved Brit’s sister’s and her family’s home right on the edge of London to spend a weekend catching up with the family.

A Street in Upminster. Photo by me.
It’s the perfect accommodation, and we get to catch up with our three nieces who still reside under this roof

The city house where three small English cars can fit out front. Photo by me
This is a wonderful way to spend an English day, preparing Sunday Roast with family all around and good food flying out of the kitchen onto our plates.

Preparations begin with dad and the youngest taking control of the kitchen. Photo by me
The Bold Brother-in-Law orchestrated the cooking with much help and cajoling from all around.

Family stays close by. Photo by me
It was a classic.

Can we have a bit of help here. Photo by me.
A gorgeous pork roast with crackling, yorkshire pudding, lots of veggies and roast potatoes.

Dishing up. Photo by me

Aaaaaaaah!! Photo by me
Let the feast begin…

The attack. Photo by me

Two of our lovely nieces, fondly known as the seagulls for the amount of food they can consume in a short time. Photo by me.
It was the best of Sunday afternoons, and an English tradition that is unparalleled anywhere in the world.

After the meal... the remnants of a pitcher of "Squash" a very British refreshing drink. Photo by me