On a rainy English Monday afternoon last summer, we made our way in to Burford.
It is a classic Cotswold town less than an hour from Oxford. The golden buildings with the rolling hills filled with sheep in the background are a dead giveaway…this is tea and scone country.
It was grey and dreary and we had our umbrella up, but it was still crowded with tourists. This is what most visiting Americans want to see…their ideal of what a quaint English town should look like.
The shop windows didn’t disappoint, and can put a smile on your face of the cloudiest days.
knickknacks and sweeties…just what the doctor ordered.
Back to the rainy High Street, it was time to head to the hotel for check in.
We were staying at The Lamb Inn, on Sheep Street. How cute is that?
The original building was probably associated with the priory back in the early 15th century, perhaps as a Dormy House for visitors in medieval times. Finally it became an inn around the mid 1600s when Burford was a flourishing market town with a strong coaching trade.
The steep stairs, and low head room are a clue to its age. The garden shows off the beautiful stone work.
We have stayed with this group of hotels before…classic character buildings beautifully modernized.
The Lamb was no exception.
The decor was stunning.
And the art throughout the inn and our room was charming and whimsical.
Finally the sun came out, and it was time to make another pass through town.
The pubs were open for business.
Each pub was draped with flowers. The flowers and gardens almost make all the rain and grey skies worth it. There was a profusion of signs trying to attract business.
Down a side street was the local church and school. It all was very serene.
We finally decided on dinner in the pub at our own hotel, The Lamb. I felt too guilty to order lamb from the menu with this little soul looking down on me. I think it is a fish night.

The pub at The Lamb. All photos by me.